Andrew Booth awarded an O.B.E. in the New Year Honours list for supporting children’s education through tourism


Andrew Booth OBE



Andrew Booth awarded an O.B.E. in the New Year Honours list for supporting children’s education through tourism


Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II used her Christmas broadcast this year to highlight the inspiration drawn from ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  A decade ago with little prior knowledge of Southeast Asia and none of the travel industry Andrew dedicated himself to bringing the benefits of international tourism to the neediest local communities. He set about raising touring standards and putting profits he generated into local educational projects.  Today these extend to over 100 schools and benefit many tens of thousands of children.



Andrew thanks Her Majesty for this incredible recognition that he dedicates to his family and friends for their unwavering support, to the extraordinary people past and present of ABOUTAsia and most importantly to you, his customers for daring to share a dream.  Thank you all.



Living and working just 3 miles from Angkor Wat Andy’s team of travel advisors at ABOUTAsia is now recognized by many as the finest available for discovering the extraordinary treasures of Southeast Asia and especially experiencing the temples of Angkor Wat without the tourist crowds. Starting with simply excellent vacations they aim for nothing less than to provide those rare moments in a busy life for each guest to reflect on humanity and their own unique place in this world.



A decade ago, Andrew’s asked himself a simple question, once which is just as relevant today: Why simply spend money on a vacation, when you could instead put it to work for your own and others’ lasting benefit.



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